Thursday 8 December 2011

Where’s the Fun

The concept of team building is burdened with a certain gravity. The words “team building” possess a faint amount of sterility and leave a bad taste in your mouth, but why are we so averse to it? Is it the cliché exercises that we seem to have to go through with every new position?RewindWell, let’s take a step back to childhood. Whether you were in summer camp, out on the school blacktop, or even in the classroom, you probably went through certain activities that built and established your relationships with your peers.Of course, back then, we didn’t call them youth team building activities. We called them dodgeball or kickball or basketball. We built our relationships through simple playground games.Summer camp offered other team building exercises that consisted of nature S107 RC helicopter hikes or canoe races. Regular competitions between Air Swimmers cabins or bunkmates just added further bonding and camaraderie.Back to the FutureSo what are we doing differently now that makes the idea of team building seem so boring?Mainly, team building has become complicated. Team building now translates to intense exercises and activities that promise to unite the team in thick, unbreakable glue.But we’re forgetting the simplicity and the joy behind playing a game or just doing something together. You don’t necessarily have to play a game S107 helicopter or go through exercises to build a team. Just going out with coworkers can bring everyone closer together.If you’re in San Wholesale Air Swimmers Diego, team building could be as easy as having an office bonfire at the beach.For really effective team building, music is the universal language. Go out for karaoke with your teammates. Go to a concert or a local venue that has a live band. You can mine a wealth of information about a person if you know the type of music they enjoy and listen to.A New HopeRemember that it might take some time and effort, but in the end, it doesn’t take much to bring a group of people together.

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